For our software engineering team project at Tampere university of technology, our team paired with a task force from Nokia Solutions and Network, or NSN. Our team of five took an experimental approach to redesign a browser app that NSN employees could use to explore and read mountains of process documentation crucial in their business. The screenshot above is from a very early prototype but might still give a clue about the approach.
To browse deeply nested and interlinked documents, we built a web service consisting of client applications and a server. On the server side, the server provided the documents of interest and their neighbouring documents. On the client side, we had a zoomable user interface where the user could dive into the documents and its neighbours. As the main benefit, the user could see the underlying documents instead of plain links.
Due to experimental nature and time constraints, the project remained as a prototype. Yet, it was an interesting approach to browsing content hierarchies and also taught us a lot about teamwork and collaboration with large companies.
The team members and responsibilities:
– Johanna Issakainen, UX
– Elina Lukkarinen, Development
– Mika Kunnas, Backend Development
– Mikko Nurminen, UX & Development
– Akseli Palén, Frontend Development
– Mikko Teuho, Project management