Julia sets are curious two dimensional shapes. Many of them exhibit fractal borders in various unique and beautiful forms. To explore them in a web browser, I spent a few days to write a single-page app for the purpose. See the source code at github.com/axelpale/julia-explorer and try the app at axelpale.github.io/julia-explorer
There exists multiple fractal explorers and renderers online already, for example usefuljs.net/fractals. However, I could not find one that would provide me enough freedom to choose and modify the color palettes of the fractal. Also, I wanted the fractal image be sharp enough for large-size printing, meaning over 10000×10000 pixels per image. Most pre-existing tools were not up for such large files.
Here are some Julia fractals created with the app, for example.

Link to the app: https://axelpale.github.io/julia-explorer/